Our freezer drawer is broken so you can't really pull the handle. I was thinking of bracing it, but I'm not sure the best way to do it. What do you all reckon?
Break the ruler in 2 and vertically? Outside and loop duct tape around the circumference a few times? Cut it that it fits inside and taped in place?
Run Dichloromethane down the crack - otherwise known as liquid styrene - available from model shops. Better than superglue (in this instance).
If you're anywhere near SE23, I've half a litre of the stuff kicking around.
Dichloromethane down the crack - otherwise known as liquid styrene
Not known as that by chemists ๐งช๐, but on the right track as long as the part is polystyrene or ABS.
If it's relatively modern, it should probably be marked in-mould with the plastic type, e.g.
Our freezer drawer is broken so you can't really pull the handle. I was thinking of bracing it, but I'm not sure the best way to do it. What do you all reckon?
Break the ruler in 2 and vertically? Outside and loop duct tape around the circumference a few times? Cut it that it fits inside and taped in place?
I've a few pictures to explain.