Our freezer drawer is broken so you can't really pull the handle. I was thinking of bracing it, but I'm not sure the best way to do it. What do you all reckon?
Break the ruler in 2 and vertically? Outside and loop duct tape around the circumference a few times? Cut it that it fits inside and taped in place?
Ours did that and then the whole front snapped off. Now we just use that drawer as a shelf rather than pulling it out and we take stuff out through the hole in the front.
Run Dichloromethane down the crack - otherwise known as liquid styrene - available from model shops. Better than superglue (in this instance).
If you're anywhere near SE23, I've half a litre of the stuff kicking around.
Our freezer drawer is broken so you can't really pull the handle. I was thinking of bracing it, but I'm not sure the best way to do it. What do you all reckon?
Break the ruler in 2 and vertically? Outside and loop duct tape around the circumference a few times? Cut it that it fits inside and taped in place?
I've a few pictures to explain.
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