@Stonehedge. I may have misunderstood your meaning but statements like:
I haven't seen anybody claiming to be an expert.
And then statements like:
In the words of a friend who is directly involved in the public health response to this pandemic
Seem to be ever so slightly at odds with one another- moreso as the quote is by its nature unattributable.
When couched in that way- the quote may have more bearing than it should do, as people may take it as 'an expert says'.
In my uneducated understanding of a very fluid system- I would argue that no system has been effective thus far. I'm wary of the reported reducing rates in China. The concept that containment has worked there but has lead to mass (likely) undetected spread throughout the global community does not seem logical.
With regards to the arguments about the UK's public health research standing- it has (in a relatively small population) 4 of the leading infectious disease Centres globally (Liverpool, London school and Oxford/cambridge), on top of a group of generally recognised world leading (cf league tables) medical universities.
This plus a government body (NICE and PHE) with a long standing, dedicated and historic (thx John snow) epidemiologic based approach to public health and disease, would suggest the UK in a good position globally.
I therefore struggle to accept that the decisions are based on 'bad science', regardless of your expert friend's opinion.
I hope you understand why I can't quote somebody without permission. Perhaps I was foolish for saying that, for which I apologise. I felt I was able to say that simply because so many public health and infectious disease specialists have said the same thing.
@Stonehedge. I may have misunderstood your meaning but statements like:
And then statements like:
Seem to be ever so slightly at odds with one another- moreso as the quote is by its nature unattributable.
When couched in that way- the quote may have more bearing than it should do, as people may take it as 'an expert says'.
In my uneducated understanding of a very fluid system- I would argue that no system has been effective thus far. I'm wary of the reported reducing rates in China. The concept that containment has worked there but has lead to mass (likely) undetected spread throughout the global community does not seem logical.
With regards to the arguments about the UK's public health research standing- it has (in a relatively small population) 4 of the leading infectious disease Centres globally (Liverpool, London school and Oxford/cambridge), on top of a group of generally recognised world leading (cf league tables) medical universities.
This plus a government body (NICE and PHE) with a long standing, dedicated and historic (thx John snow) epidemiologic based approach to public health and disease, would suggest the UK in a good position globally.
I therefore struggle to accept that the decisions are based on 'bad science', regardless of your expert friend's opinion.