Me trying to make a point BBC questiontime etc. often doesn't take into account that people from majority groups have a power over minority groups due to, well, there being more of them and perhaps the moderators should deal with that better to prevent people being talked over
Guy commenting: But what if they'd resurrect an Aztec and put them on the show but they do human sacrifice
I guess this sums of the difference between "lived experience" and "lookie I am a white guy that studied philosophy"
Me trying to make a point BBC questiontime etc. often doesn't take into account that people from majority groups have a power over minority groups due to, well, there being more of them and perhaps the moderators should deal with that better to prevent people being talked over
Guy commenting: But what if they'd resurrect an Aztec and put them on the show but they do human sacrifice
I guess this sums of the difference between "lived experience" and "lookie I am a white guy that studied philosophy"