69 deg would be my recommendation based on established geo out there (and mountain biking with my Vaya which is 71.5). Though I'd be tempted to up the trail a bit from the 45-50mm or so that's standard for rigid 29er forks
Well I have the mtb for tech stuff. This is more of a monster rando. It will mostly be used in Danish forrests and gravel paths.
Loaded with a rando bag so sort of low trail is the idea. But just massive tyres/wheels
Maybe I should just listen to you. I just love lively bikes
For sure - up the rake to 60 mm or so and bring the trail back down to 60-65 mm. Should give you the stability that comes from longer wheelbase and slacker head angle while maintaining a quicker steering feel and front loading happiness. Theoretically.
69 deg would be my recommendation based on established geo out there (and mountain biking with my Vaya which is 71.5). Though I'd be tempted to up the trail a bit from the 45-50mm or so that's standard for rigid 29er forks