What is the lightest weight and strongest / least likely to flex/warp?
What is not stupidly expensive and easy to order more of in the UK to the same spec (4x4 and 8x8 sheets with clean edges - or if the edges are rough they can be polished/sanded down by me)?
What can I screw into so it has a metal frame of some kind?
What would glue well to ply (so I could glue a sheet of ply to one side and the metal frame screwed into the other) and not peel away over time despite exposure to extreme heat and potentially bumps?
Types of plastic/acrylic/perspexy materials:
What is the lightest weight and strongest / least likely to flex/warp?
What is not stupidly expensive and easy to order more of in the UK to the same spec (4x4 and 8x8 sheets with clean edges - or if the edges are rough they can be polished/sanded down by me)?
What can I screw into so it has a metal frame of some kind?
What would glue well to ply (so I could glue a sheet of ply to one side and the metal frame screwed into the other) and not peel away over time despite exposure to extreme heat and potentially bumps?