terribly late on this, but i'm a right vacuum snob and recently got this Philips one, couldn't be happier with it. outrageously powerful, deceptively quiet, easy to manoeuvre.
i have multiple questions, having just moved from a boat to a house:
i need to re-do the kitchen. it's a crap space, sort of a galley but doors not in the centre of each end, slightly off to one side. i don't know any tradespeople, i would like it to be inexpensive, i need floor to ceiling units rather than boxy standalone OTP ones. who would you recommend? i am aware there are sales on at Wickes etc until early Jan which has piqued my interest and i would be keen to take advantage of same
would you recommend stripping and recoating victorian floorboards? i absolutely loathe the crummy red carpet we've been left with, but not sure whether to just put laminate in instead of the bare floorboards
where can i find the history of my house? my neighbour tells me that this particular end of terrace house is older than the surrounding houses (which is visible purely from the looks of it) and i'm the only one with a plaque/stone house name brick thing (i don't know what this is called, sorry). is it just land registry that would have this info?
does anyone want to buy this boat? (please.)
Try Ikea - they have a very good (free) planning service and a huge range of prices. Plus if you don't like their stuff you can take the design to DIY Kitchens online and order stuff yourself
I'm about to do this - there's a great guide @Bobbo put in the Home DIY thread and a range of YouTube tutorials. Give it a week or so and I'll let you know the results. But wood > laminate in terms of looks, always. But in terms of insulation etc, laminate probably wins.
I'm not sure.
No, but thanks.
Need a new vacuum cleaner - is the Shark still the go to one?