Saw my downstairs neighbour's dog outside the polling station when I came out, he got a lengthy scritch between the ears (the dog, not the neighbour).
~4000 people on the list at my polling station, split into two desks by road names and roughly equal numbers. At 9.30am the queue I was in (A-P) had 50 people waiting. The other queue only had ~5 people waiting. Bloke in charge said this seemed to be the highest turnout he'd witnessed (and he's been doing it for 20+ years).
22 minutes from locking up my bike to getting back on it again to continue my commute (thanks to Garmin Connect for telling me that). #StravaAllTheVoting
I'm only here for #dogsatpollingstations.
It's interesting seeing some mad long queues - I wonder if some people bin it seeing an hour to wait. My station is only for about 9 roads with not many houses so usually only see 1 other person in there.