Took the Seamaster into the watchmaker yesterday, on the timegrapher it was saying +8 seconds both dial up and down, with a small amount of error. He’ll have a look at it this week and decide if it’s in dire need of a full service or if adjustment alone is enough. I’m happier getting it fully serviced and seeing how close +/- he can get it.
In the mean time, had no interest in selling this yet, probably because it’s not a known brand and especially because I’d like a fair price for it. So I popped it on a perlon and been enjoying it all day.
Took the Seamaster into the watchmaker yesterday, on the timegrapher it was saying +8 seconds both dial up and down, with a small amount of error. He’ll have a look at it this week and decide if it’s in dire need of a full service or if adjustment alone is enough. I’m happier getting it fully serviced and seeing how close +/- he can get it.
In the mean time, had no interest in selling this yet, probably because it’s not a known brand and especially because I’d like a fair price for it. So I popped it on a perlon and been enjoying it all day.
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