So I’ve done a bit more digging on it.
It seems that the “theory” is if the Seat was considered swing seat they could get more from the Tories than Labour voters. Which I guess the graphic supports with 8% still voting labour.
I think the theory generally stands up, I could see more moderate Tories voting Lib Dem than Labour Voters voting Lib Dem. this could ultimately be what gives the Tories a majority.
So I’ve done a bit more digging on it.
It seems that the “theory” is if the Seat was considered swing seat they could get more from the Tories than Labour voters. Which I guess the graphic supports with 8% still voting labour.
I think the theory generally stands up, I could see more moderate Tories voting Lib Dem than Labour Voters voting Lib Dem. this could ultimately be what gives the Tories a majority.