• #77
So the steel inserts for the cable ferrules that are set in the frame are a bit too narrow to fit a newer ferrule in. So I need to drill it out. My LBS is not doing that because of the risk. Cock.
• #78
How she sits currently.
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• #79
• #80
Couldn't you just not use ferrules?
• #81
I don't think I used ferrules on mine, but tbh I can't really remember.
You could maybe use plastic ferrules and sand them down a little?
• #82
They are designed to replace the cable ferrules!
• #83
Well not the ferrules in themselves but the ferrule holder inserts in the frame are too narrow.
1 Attachment
• #84
Jagwire POP?
1 Attachment
• #85
That does make a lot of sense haha.
• #86
It's another weight saving!
• #87
LBS says that they don't work with the DA cables.
I think he's full of it and can't be arsed but he's also 25 years deep into wrenching on racing gear. That means he's fondled more DA gear than me, spanning several generations, which might contribute to his ill will towards Jagwire tings and that.
• #88
Can the DA outer cables not go into the frame without ferrules?
• #89
They rattle around. But a fabricator is doing two stops in alu for me that can take the plastic ferrules just right.
• #90
Don't really know why they shouldn't fit... The OD seems to be 5 mm so they should fit fine.
But getting the right ferrules made is a great solution!
Out of curiosity: What is so special about the Dura Ace housing? I see a lot of people raving about it.
Is it compressionless like the Jagwire KEB-SL or Capgo OL? -
• #91
Yes, compressionless but the casing is the regular SP41 casing, the thing with the 9000 is the polymercoated cables that are slick af.
Some peeps have snapped and frayed them because they've used different ferrules and whatnot but also because of the bikes they've fitted them on. Internal jagged edges is killer.
So having it done proper is lessening the stress of breakage.
• #92
• #93
Hope rims are FUCKING SHITE.
~1000 miles and this
I’ve ordered some DT G531 DB (I think) that I’m going to get built onto the hubs. Not sure if worth contacting hope, certainly don’t want a replacement 20five rim.
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• #94
Definitely worth telling Hope. They ought to make it right in some way, as their product failed in a potentially dangerous way here.
• #95
Didn’t read the thread before answering.
Crit clinchers?
Like you’ll only ride crit on them?
Hope hubs are great. Something like archetype on hope perhaps? 28/32?
• #96
Hopes customer service is excellent, definitely worth contacting them.
• #97
Either CK or Hope will be fine.
I’ve clocked 1000’s miles on both; off-road, heavily loaded gravel tours, Scottish winters, you name it. Never had any problems.
I’ve never bought rims with any thought of weight saving so can’t really comment, but Pacenti, Stans and H Plus Son have never failed me.
• #98
lightish wheels
crit bikeIs kinda pointless right? Since you're big and will be moving at speed, on flat circuits surely you should be going aero. And not archetypes on this.
• #99
I'd go for lairy deep section carbon myself.
• #100
Like you’ll only ride crit on them?
Pretty much.
Hnnng that BB junction is so good. You could grate cheese on that part of my alloy b'twin :D