The CT photo's doing the rounds may have had an old photo slipped in, some say it has hi-lo box as per a set of photos and others say no.
Made enquireys about the CT110 when that came out but it wasn't destined for Euro Zone on emissions reasons and requirements of FI and ABS, which appear to have been addressed.
Going by Super Cub pricing i doubt the CT125 will be cheap like a PCX :( (which is what i keep looking at)
Have just stumbled in Suzukiland - I became enchanted by the noise of a Fuel endcan on a SV650. First v-twin ever - will fit the best Electrex can offer and keep my fingers crossed.
The CT photo's doing the rounds may have had an old photo slipped in, some say it has hi-lo box as per a set of photos and others say no.
Made enquireys about the CT110 when that came out but it wasn't destined for Euro Zone on emissions reasons and requirements of FI and ABS, which appear to have been addressed.
Going by Super Cub pricing i doubt the CT125 will be cheap like a PCX :( (which is what i keep looking at)