One of the ports died. It was connected to either junction A or the battery, so we lost everything. Swapped the wires around so the FD was on the dead port while waiting for a new one.
Where was it mounted? Was it allowed to rattle or get wet?
Loose in the downtube, so it could rattle and it did fail after a wet race, but I think that may have been a coincidence.
If I were relying on Di2 for crossing continents rather than 10 mile TTs, I'd pack spare junctions and wires.
6 continental crossings, no Di2 spares. But you know that just means it's more and more likely to happen. The one advantage I have is that I keep killing bikes so the wires/junctions are probably newer than most.
One of the ports died. It was connected to either junction A or the battery, so we lost everything. Swapped the wires around so the FD was on the dead port while waiting for a new one.
Loose in the downtube, so it could rattle and it did fail after a wet race, but I think that may have been a coincidence.
If I were relying on Di2 for crossing continents rather than 10 mile TTs, I'd pack spare junctions and wires.