• #57702
^ although I voted remain, IMO that last point stands regardless of your stance as in the current situation any resolution will leave almost half the country unhappy.
• #57703
let hope the egos of Bojo and fromage prevent them from coming to an agreement.
• #57704
I believe the Tory had an 8000 majority in the last election, so the Tory should have lost more to the lib dems than they did to be brexit party. I don't know what Labours numbers were last time round.
Given the very particular concerns of this area being totally fucked by a no deal Brexit which appears to be the most like option if you vote Tory that might have played a part to.
• #57705
That's true, and what a lot of leave voters were saying before the referendum as a "warning" in case they lost by a slim majority - something Led By Donkeys have enjoyed putting on their billboards:
• #57706
Unless of course it follows, "after falling from the aeroplane he hit the ground at terminal velocity, onlookers were said to have witnessed a sizeable Boris bounce"
• #57707
It's not a Boris bounce. It's Boris bop. Get with it
• #57708
If you hadn't seen it before, there, that's a thing you have seen now
• #57709
What a nasty story:
I hate the sinking feeling of this increase in propaganda.
• #57710
More unfathomable shittiness:
Archbishop of Krakow Marek Jędraszewski on the Warsaw Uprising anniversary:
"The Red pest is no longer stepping on our land. Its place has been
taken by a new pest that wants to control our minds, the rainbow
pest.”Big protest outside the Archbishop's house, John Paul's old gaff.
• #57711
I keep thinking back to this near miss incident and that a slightly different timing
could have solved so many of todays problems. Driver nearly a hero. -
• #57712
Driver nearly a hero.
This is sick. GTFO.
• #57713
This doesn't look too subtle
• #57714
• #57715
RIP Spud u like
• #57716
The El Paso shooter said he wanted to stop the immigrant "invasion" of
America.As recently as May, the President used the exact same words: "It's an
invasion."Then someone in the crowd yelled out "shoot them."
He laughed. Then the crowd laughed.
• #57717
My second generation immigrants, GOP voting in laws flatly refuse to accept that there's a connection between these incidents and Trump's rhetoric. It's going to be a long week.
• #57718
It's astonishing that people are still refusing to see the links between these white supremacist mass shootings and the hateful rhetoric spewed by conservative propagandists. This guy's manifesto could not have been any clearer. How many more will it take?
• #57719
But given similar people fail to see a connection between gun ownership and shootings logical discussion is not going to work.
• #57720
Are those people that think they have full control over themselves and that others just "must take responsibility for their actions"
I get the impression lately such personality types just can't imagine people can get influenced... admitting that would applying that conclusion to themselves obviously.
Either way, sucks. Family life is often easier if political differences aren't so strong or you can trust people in the end have similar intentions.
• #57721
• #57722
"He is believed to have posted an online document calling the attack a response to "the Hispanic invasion of Texas""
20 dead
"The victims have not yet been named but Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said three Mexican nationals were among the dead."
3 in 20, yeah it's a real invasion.
• #57723
The consensus seems to be "well he's good for the economy because y'know, the stonks markets and stuff!"
These are objectively smart folks without an ounce of ill will between them. It's just so fucking disappointing that they're willing to ignore Trump's blatant cuntery in service of a misguided perception that he's been good for their pocketbook.
Anyhoo, I'm a guest so I'll drop it.
• #57724
I’m not easily shocked but this did shock me.
Tate Modern: Boy, six, 'thrown from 10th floor' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-47214207
• #57725
Yeah that's fucking horrific.
Bit optimistic once you factor; the reason for the election, BxP share taken (presumably) from the Tories, and the original slim majority for Brexit there.
If anything it just indicates how fucking retarded it was to have a simple majority to "pass" the referendum, rather than a threshold.