Sorry not sure if I understand you question? You have deleted some pics by accident or you wanted to delete those pics?
If you have deleted the pics by accident and then emptied the trash then you’d have to recover them and it’s not an easy task.
If you just want to get rid of the gap on your folder then just rearrange them by name then your 5873 would appear next to 5867 and the rest would just follow. Or change your viewing option on the top bar.
The file names from your camera are assigned chronologically so for example, 0001 would be pic no.1 taken at 08:05 and 0002 would be pic no.2 taken at 08:06 and 0010 would be pic no.3 taken at 08:1... If you delete 0002 and rearrange your pics by name, 0010 would then be pic no.2.
Is that what you are asking?
Really stupid basic question, please can someone help! Basically imported some photos to a mac from a DSLR but not to photos; they are just in a normal folder. I have deleted some of them, and wherever there was a deleted photo, there is a now a gap. They're all in chronological order still so didn't want to change anything on the sort by section.
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