I feel like the fitness is going to fall away
It won't in the immediate future.
Personal experience... I'm a few weeks post EfGB first 2 I was fucked no thoughts of running. Last Sat I ran for 20mins and it was great but a dodgy curry that night fucked me over again 2 days in bed/bathroom no food etc so I binned off the week and am starting back with club run tomorrow. It might still be too soon. I'm missing Sale Sizzler #1 on Thurs as it'd be silly to race off the above.
I defo had a point later last week where it felt my body was in full "repair" mode as everything ached, esp my legs.
Bit of an open ended question, but how do people deal with burnout/coming down after a big race? Work has been really busy, ankle feeling a bit thrashed, and generally feeling like I'm not up to running. Had a week off but now feel more tired than I did after the race! Do people wait until they feel more rested, or is it a case of having to force yourself to get back out? Even a week off feels odd at this stage, and I feel like the fitness is going to fall away, which is particularly hard after it felt so hard to earn in the first place.