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• #77
Not done anything yesterday, will get at it this evening. I think overall I'm drawn towards the Swindon option.
• #78
Cool, if consensus is head to Swindon or back towards the LDN I'll play it by ear as well!
Keen though I am for a trip to forever pedalling I can't see me doing it on my own after having already ridden 100 miles through the night.
• #79
@youramericanlover is the proposed route (including the potential ride out) expected to be the same as the 2016 edition?*
*including your epic pull to regain the time lost with 2 punctures and one beer
• #80
Where would you be setting off from?
• #82
Can’t do tomorrow night so sadly am out
• #83
Sorry I have been mega busy today. As it's getting all a little last minute why don't we agree to meet here at 7:45
Tesco Express at the corner of Vassall Road and Brixton Road https://www.google.com/maps/@51.4766779,-0.1123504,3a,75y,284.89h,98.4t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6yfnrtSj5Bjrso8Rn3YgKw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192.
It's along the route and a main artery and place to get some last min food. Last place we met closed down since and I can't think of another place atm. It's shit I know but unless someone else has another idea I'm all ears.
• #84
Fine with me..
• #85
Works for me
• #86
I'm going to leave at 9pm and see if I can catch you all. Will also be chasing a group of 7 BCC members.
• #87
I'll share my location with you so you can chase if you wanna :)
• #88
Works for me too
• #89
• #90
Due to unforeseen circumstances, some key stakeholders cannot attend the meeting I was required at, so has unfortunately been postponed to next week.
So I'm in!
Some last minute fettling required, so what pub we meeting at before heading into the darkness? -
• #91
See @YAL's post: https://www.lfgss.com/comments/14786637/ for meeting point.
• #93
Sorry! File attached here.
1 Attachment
• #94
Brixton tho. Looking at the route out I'll wait in Richmond Park and join you guys there when you come past
• #95
Right, so, here are some return routes for your perusal:
Stones > Bristol, via Business As Usual and ending in Temple Meads station:
The route goes around a bit but is nice. I think a smash fest down the A4 to Chippenham then the A420 wouldn't be that bad especially if a small group is doing it (and you put @CowHen on the front).
Stones > Swindon:
Stones > Newbury > Theale > Reading:
For maximum options in station choice.
I'll have all three loaded but I'm inching towards the Swindon option at the moment.
• #96
I've already booked train from Swindon at 930. Was paranoid about bike space. After some bad times a couple of years ago...
• #97
I have booked onto the 9:30 from Swindon as well
• #98
I'm also booked on the 9.30 from Swindon.
• #99
Those trains take 4 bikes right? Still up for riding to Newbury to get more spaces/ cheaper tickets - @Rodmunch / @Ruserius / @LobsterShorts what are you thinking?
• #100
I'm working on the assumption that Swindon would be booked out and will probably attempt to roll (slowly) towards Theale - hopefully spending rush hour eating breakfast somewhere..
I'm being more attracted by the idea of riding in a general London direction after the stones, to direct more of my funds towards beers and food on the ride out (plus being easier to get bikes on the train). Newbury/ Theale/ Reading/ ride all the way are all options that I might consider... Happy to play by ear (with my railcard, hehe). @cgg how goes route prep??