People who hark back to imperial measures with fondness and think subdividing units into 6, 12, 14, 16, etc at random made a whole lot of sense and was easy to remember. The fondness is, in fact, a coping strategy to mask the memories of repeated beating they received from serial abusers employed in the teaching profession when, as infants, they failed to grasp and memorise such a stuuuupid system.
Dilusionary 0.5 wits every one of them.
Back in the early '80s a mate of mine dealing with an aged Physics tutor at University, expressed the power of a laser he used in his experiments in horsepower per furlong.
People who hark back to imperial measures with fondness and think subdividing units into 6, 12, 14, 16, etc at random made a whole lot of sense and was easy to remember. The fondness is, in fact, a coping strategy to mask the memories of repeated beating they received from serial abusers employed in the teaching profession when, as infants, they failed to grasp and memorise such a stuuuupid system.
Dilusionary 0.5 wits every one of them.