Correction - I've got a minor fault on my MOT for the chip in the windscreen. I've been waiting for that to turn into a crack before doing anything about it, which it's refused to do for the three years that I've owned the car. Has anyone used one of those chip repair services, and if so was it any good?
I tried to get a chip repaired but it was apparently in the wrong place so necessitated the whole screen being replaced. £100 through my insurers with no effect on NCB.
I had a chip repaired that created a big crack, which apparently can sometimes happen. Booked through insurer, so was £100 and no NCB lost as per Dramatic_Hammer's experience
Correction - I've got a minor fault on my MOT for the chip in the windscreen. I've been waiting for that to turn into a crack before doing anything about it, which it's refused to do for the three years that I've owned the car. Has anyone used one of those chip repair services, and if so was it any good?