It’s a bit boring really! I slipped into the simple guitar > amp vibe a while back and have been digging the clean feel. Not mad about that little Vox but it is a good looking item. I think the 5w valve amps lack a little fat - might just be the speaker.
I really fancy a blackface bandmaster but they’ve got more spendy recently and I don’t really need the volume!
@Sparky Yeah he probably would - he’s got FAR too many and never plays this one.
I've heard the AC4C1-12 and that sounds terrific for a small amp, I think the bigger speaker makes all the difference... To my ears, Vox amps are thinner sounding than Fenders anyway...
It’s a bit boring really! I slipped into the simple guitar > amp vibe a while back and have been digging the clean feel. Not mad about that little Vox but it is a good looking item. I think the 5w valve amps lack a little fat - might just be the speaker.
I really fancy a blackface bandmaster but they’ve got more spendy recently and I don’t really need the volume!
@Sparky Yeah he probably would - he’s got FAR too many and never plays this one.