Well the charger next to me isn't USB C and that's Apple. My old ipod isn't the same. There's multiple MagSafe connectors. They fucked off a standard headphone jack, blah blah blah, just because the latest stuff finally uses a standard connector doesn't mean my example was poor.
If you're just looking at latest kit then Garmin is basically the same as Apple.
Well the charger next to me isn't USB C and that's Apple. My old ipod isn't the same. There's multiple MagSafe connectors. They fucked off a standard headphone jack, blah blah blah, just because the latest stuff finally uses a standard connector doesn't mean my example was poor.
If you're just looking at latest kit then Garmin is basically the same as Apple.
When there's a Forbes article about it... https://www.forbes.com/sites/bradmoon/2015/09/29/how-to-apple-charger-iphone-ipad-ipod-watch/ https://qz.com/1449406/the-complete-guide-to-apple-cables/ :P