Well the charger next to me isn't USB C and that's Apple. My old ipod isn't the same. There's multiple MagSafe connectors. They fucked off a standard headphone jack, blah blah blah, just because the latest stuff finally uses a standard connector doesn't mean my example was poor.
If you're just looking at latest kit then Garmin is basically the same as Apple.When there's a Forbes article about it... https://www.forbes.com/sites/bradmoon/2015/09/29/how-to-apple-charger-iphone-ipad-ipod-watch/ https://qz.com/1449406/the-complete-guide-to-apple-cables/ :P
Eh? The latest kit has one type of socket* - USB C.
* ignoring the headphone jack. Kinda remarkable how that's survived.