• #2
• #3
He's Canadian.
• #4
I know it's only Reddit, but this is quite interesting
• #5
This thread.
• #6
• #7
• #8
Worth a watch
• #9
He's just another conservative charlatan peddling reactionary politics, pseudoscience and basic self-help advice to disenfranchised young men. People dislike him because a lot of what he says is blatantly sexist and transphobic, but he and his fans deflect the accusations because the problematic stuff is always carefully hidden behind a smokescreen of plausible deniability.
Here's a decent summary of what he's about: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/feb/07/how-dangerous-is-jordan-b-peterson-the-rightwing-professor-who-hit-a-hornets-nest
And here's an interesting article offering alternatives to those who are taken in by his self-help messages but are sceptical about his politics
https://www.currentaffairs.org/2018/12/dear-lobsters-there-is-a-better-way -
• #10
He's neither right wing, sexist nor transphobic
• #11
It doesn't really matter who he is. Just engage your brain and think for yourself.
That is why I bathe in custard
• #12
He’s just an average professor who needs to bump up his wages.
He does this by saying stuff that fascists really like. His skill is appearing plausible and logical then dropping in little dog whistle nuggets for his mob of fans. The classic case of being what dumb people think an intelligent person sounds like.He is very widely read but understands little. See Lobsters.
See pic of not at all racist JP in NZ a few weeks ago
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• #13
Nailed it.
• #14
Wasn't it great when white males had all the power, instead of just most of it?
• #15
Not looking to argue on the internet at all, but I think using that particular photo to suggest the man is racist is just wrong. Since when is Islam a race?
• #16
Since when is Islam a race?
That old chestnut.
• #17
I think a better line of reasoning would be: is it beyond reasonable doubt that by taking the picture he was a) aware of that guy's views and b) endorsing that guy and his views? It looks like that 'event' was a paid service to meet and get your picture taken with a 'star'. It's possible that was his n hundredth of the day and he just missed it.
Not taking a position here, but better evidence is needed. I have no idea whether such evidence exists or not. It may well do.
P.S. the spelling is the icing on the cake there...
• #18
I think you'll find we actually still have all of it. All the bits that matter anyway.
• #19
Does this cunt really need his own dedicated conversation?
Can’t wait for the Tommy Robinson thread.
• #20
the Tommy Robinson thread.
Hero gets arrested despite freedom of speech?
Edit: Decided against leaving this here unless people neglect to see the sarcasm. Yaxley Lennon is a cunt
• #21
It's possible that was his n hundredth of the day and he just missed it.
Hang on. You think he might not have noticed the huge letters spelling out “I’m a proud ISLAMAPHOBE”?
Maybe the other fella just forgot to do his laundry that week, so he had to borrow a tee from one of his Nazi mates, but he was in such a rush to get to his meet and greet with the friendly Jordan B Peterson that he didn’t even notice that he was wearing a T-shirt that declared he is a proud ISLAMAPHOBE.
Lol I hate it when that happens too!
• #22
I think it's unlikely that he would miss that. What I am suggesting, however, is that it's possible. Actually, no I'm not. I'm suggesting that a better defence would have been to suggest that.
I also don't believe in Godwin's Law.
Also, despite any views he may hold, surely doing that intentionally would be a PR nightmare? From what I understand, whatever his views may be, he is not trying to present a Tommy Robinson style public persona.
• #23
That pic has been circulating since before before the Christchurch shooting. Even if he had been afflicted by temporary blindness that day, he could have easily distanced himself from it at any time with a simple tweet.
If you want a laugh check out the extremely Logical and Scientific © diagrams from his books
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• #24
“Since when is Islam a race?”
Classic! By splitting hairs you have crushed me in the online debate just like Daddy Peterson would do.
Ok Sir, (that’s how Petersonati address people when CRUSHING them in debates) in the U.K. we put religious hatred and racial hatred in the same legal pot generally. Because the people doing the hate often draw ethnic and religious lines together in day to day life the terms are interchangeable. For example:When someone is accused of being anti Semitic, the assumption is that it’s jews in the spotlight not Semitic people such as Palestians.
If Peterson unknowingly posed for the picture with Mr Islamophobe, he then probably uploaded it to his website unknowingly and then unknowingly deleted it after the Christchurch Massacre.
The bit that makes me laugh so much about Peterson is his beef with Post Modernism (well his interpretation of Post Modernism) it’s like having a beef with the Gulf Stream or Magnetic North.
Sorry everyone I went down a Peterson rabbit hole about a year back, I have a lot of ammunition. I also find his popularity funny/terrifying /depressing
• #25
He has advocated for enforced monogamy, thinks women and men can't share a workplace, has said women who are sexually assaulted are hypocrites if they wear lipstick (a 'sexual signal') and refuses to use gender neutral pronouns for non-binary people.
Totally not sexist or transphobic though
Ok, so today at work there was quite a bit of a falling out between 4 or so people over some guy called Jordan Peterson.
I've heard of him before, but never paid attention to any of his stuff or even watched anything. I'm now pretty curious as both sides of the argument were firm in their beliefs about him, I've never seen 2 groups of people so divided before! I was actually quite interested to watch one of his videos to see what the fuss is all about, but he didn't really say anything super offensive or enough that would spark a love or hate for him?
Does this guy have a dark history that I'm missing?