but as the flatearth brexiteurs keep pointing out, we are the 5th/6th largest economy.
Clean up our offshore banking/investment/ownership laws,
offer an amnesty for assets coming back into the UK economy,
and we'll have an unexpected £15/20/30? billion to invest in a true Northern Powerhouse.
Financial transaction tax, a sovereign wealth fund, that owns the UK's infrastructure,
it's all do-able.
Sovereign wealth fund and a re-appropriation of national infrastructure from private ownership is good. As is a planned approach to a rebalancing of the economy and again, taking back control of ownership of commercial activity to prevent this polarisation of wealth, marginalisation of people, and perpetuating a lie that competition increaases efficiency (it is a massively wasteful use of resource replicating effort).
Rebuilding the secondary sector is essential as is reversing the reliance on imports for strategically vital constituents of an economy and basic security needs. Foundations are required which are skill, education based so it requires decades long plan, but there are ways to shortcut everything now and implement way faster than history would suggest.
Yes. But it requires a plan for a total restructuring of the economy and an understanding of what that entails and the foundations required otherwise it ends up being a futile effort to prop up something that is fundamentally fallacious, broken and imploding.