• #55902
I don't think that part is particularly effective, do you?
• #55903
Apparently not, but you'd also hope it covered the consequences of misusing it, and hope that those consequences were followed up on.
• #55904
Really? Bloody Sunday was well within living memory, it's only 14 years since the main paramilitary groups on both sides disarmed and, in case you hadn't noticed, recent events have put the NI peace agreement in danger.
You're old enough to remember Airwolf, so you have no excuse. Jesus fucking christ.
• #55905
Live streamed mass shooting at a Mosque in Christchurch NZ. fucking crazy. and very sad reflection of the state of things.
• #55906
Letting soldiers fire at civilians/rioters with live rounds, what did the commanding officers think was going to happen?
No prosecutions for them it seems. Was this government policy at that time?
Government policy was pretty much the same as expressed by Karen Bradley last week. Killings " that were at the hands of the military and police were not crimes, they were people acting under orders and fulfilling their duties in a dignified and appropriate way."
The actual policy at the time is unclear although the Army commander for NI "General Ford wrote a chilling memorandum to his superior, General Sir Harry Tuzo. It said: "I am coming to the conclusion that the minimum force necessary to achieve a restoration of law and order is to shoot selected ringleaders amongst the DYH (Derry Young Hooligans) after clear warnings have been issued."
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-47559123 -
• #55907
I am old enough to remember Airwolf.
I understand that the main groups disarmed but I’m not so sure all their arms where disposed of.
I’m presuming you live in Northern Ireland. -
• #55908
He doesn't live in NI.
• #55909
Beyond fucked, Australian shooter? I don't know where to begin... Ugh...
• #55910
Thanks. That explains the disarmed statement. Most recent news -
https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/uk.mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUKKCN1PQ5NY -
• #55911
I'm sorry, and I don't think it matters one iota where you live, but if you think the Bloody Sunday shootings were anything other than murder then you are a fucking moron. That only one soldier is to be charged, over 40 years later, is outrageous given that it was very clear that the soldiers were under no threat whatsoever. It is a massive failing of the UK justice system.
• #55912
Another 8chan Nazi
• #55913
It matters where you live to understand the situation here at the time. Without knowledge of the situation, it makes it easy to make your comments.
To say ‘soldiers were under no threat whatsoever’ is a moronic statement and demonstrates a complete lack of knowledge of the situation in Northern Ireland from 1968 until the present day.
Security Forces lived and continue to live under threat on a daily basis.
Again - recent news -
https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-northern-ireland-foyle-west-47168606 -
• #55914
I should say, before this develops into a slagging match, that I think the soldiers were wrong but some thought has to be given to the situation they were in, their age at the time, their commanding officers, the rules of engagement at the time, their experience in riot situations.
This is not clear cut by any means. It should be noted that only one soldier is being prosecuted because there appears to be evidence supporting the allegations against him. Other soldiers may have been at fault. And the two Official IRA men are not being prosecuted either because of lack of evidence. -
• #55915
what's 8chan? I'm assuming chat group but why is it linked to dangerous fuckwit Nazis
• #55916
I’m sorry, but I strongly disagree with you. Seven of the victims were children, all were unarmed, some were shot in the back as they tried to get away.
I don’t care how much pressure the soldiers were under, they murdered innocent civilians in cold blood.
The situation in NI at the time was complex, but these are professional soldiers trained to deal with stressful, fast moving, complex situations. They knew what they were doing.
• #55917
Perhaps things were different in 1972. I’m not arguing that it was wrong but there are a lot of mitigating factors which must be considered.
A £200 million enquiry identified faults. Now there is a legal process in relation to this. The families have vowed to continue the fight on. The story rolls on.
Could anyone confirm that the two stories I linked to made the news on the mainland? (Just out of interest) -
• #55918
Gamergate, Qanon, SWATting all started there
• #55919
The same sort of specious, blameshifting bullshit was and still is slung about regarding the sharpeville massacre.
• #55920
Australian born NZ citizen, Christchurch has a long history of white supremacists, neo Nazis and racism, so blame shifting because of this fuckbags birthplace doesn't change the fact that his associates are all locals and killed innocent New Zealanders. I live in Christchurch and spent my day watching this unfold.
• #55921
Find the Nazis and lock them all up forever... It's the only way the rest of us will get any peace in this world...
• #55922
I'm just so sad, and furious that this has happened. I was at a climate change protest by 2500 school kids, and was so impressed by the passion of these young people making their voices heard, only to be reassigned to covering this horrible situation.
• #55923
I should say, before this develops into a slagging match, that I think the soldiers were wrong but some thought has to be given to the situation they were in,
That's a reasonable position to debate. "It was such ancient history that dragging it up again is pointless ceremony" wasn't.
• #55924
This is astonishing;
1 Attachment
• #55925
Dark times.
I'd hope some of the training is when lethal force is appropriate.