Well they've changed their downloads so the old version is no longer available and you need to buy the software now. I did use the free version which is fairly basic but I do have the design digitally. I just wanted it full size to help me visualise and it will help when assembly starts I think.
Who's we? You work at a bike/frame company?
"we" is just a group of friends... we made some frames for ourselves and all that, no real machining experience appart from a friend that made 2 frames for himself in germany somewhere and other classes in london i think (he studied engeneering machining something but is freelance photograph now)
this friend took lots of info from his classes int germany/london and made a jigg!! (actually 2) and we still try to improve it here and there, its a passtime kinda thing
we made some swing bikes and tallbikes, all for fun! thake a look at our site and tell me what you think if u feel like it!the facebook page has more pictures and storys
nice stuff!!! :) you dont use rattlecad why?
we used ceeway also, looots of stuff there