Loving the guitar course chat. Would love to do something like that but y'know. Had babies instead so I'm no longer able to things I enjoy, have nice stuff or sleep.
@tilover, don't get rid of the practice amp, I just bought one of them and it's really useful for living room level widdles. I have an old Champ as well... used to have two but now just one... and yep for home use 5w of of 6v6 into an efficient 8" speaker is LOUD for home use. I have gigges with just a champ mic'd as well as using alongside another amp but if yr going to play with drums you'll need 20w plus of valve welly i'd say.
I used to play in a band that had all clean guitar tones and even with a fairly wristy and light touch drummer 15w amps would break up trying to be heard over a full kit. We had some little Laney thing, then a Pro Junior, a 60s Ampeg Jet and a few other things before giving in and getting bigger amps. Had Twins and Pro reverbs buy they were way bigger than we needed and are a pain to lug about, ended up with a Cool old Selmer combo and a brownface Vibroverb reissue which was 40w 2x10 and light as a feather. Loved that amp. Stupidly gave it back to record company.
Sorry I'm rambling. I'll look up some s/h stuff for yer.
Did I? WTF happened to Vintage and Rare? Did it move to Bath?
Want this bad. https://reverb.com/uk/item/19194561-fender-deluxe-reverb-1980-silver