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Anyone interested in a Supro Lapsteel with Deusenberg benders?
this exact one... Tim Bloomer is an pro musician and now sponsored by Deusenberg so pays a Palova now, you can see him on the official Deusenberg Facebook page
I love it but got a big house renovation ahead of me and this is one on the chopping block! £450 plus shipping, DM me if interested for more pics and details
in the 2 weeks I've owned it the battery has gone flat 3 times so have had to remove the central locking RF booster, the passenger side rear view mirror dips when reversing but doesn't always come back to normal afterwards and the rear fuel cap opening switch is temperamental - it's ok there is a string in the boot you can pull to override that however I pulled the string too hard it came off yesterday :D
all small things and overall really happy with it. drives incredibly!
I assume this is sold right @le_corbeau?