• #20527
yeah that's what I do, my GPU isn't capable of playing most games at a decent frame rate at 4k so I set them to 1080.
• #20528
I do the same, the trick is making sure your game res is 50% of your native res - I have a 5K screen so play at 1440 - 1080 looks awful.
• #20529
Thanks people.
Surprised to realise I've had my PC (except GPU) and FHD monitor since 2011. The days of everything doubling in performance/capacity/pixels every 2 years or so are long gone.
• #20530
What's the GPU?
It might be possible to get that to do the rescaling from 1080 to 4k. Could result in better image quality, depending on how good the monitor's scaling hardware is.
• #20531
[badly drawn dragon] Nvidia [marketing spiel] 970 [woman with impractical armour].
• #20532
Realism scale:
Forza Horizon
Project Cars
Assetto CorsaQuite enjoy the likes of Forza Horizon with a gamepad
Thanks for this, Forza Horizon it is then I think. Especially as I just found out you get to jump through Chesterton Windmill (childhood hangout) and the festival is set at Kenilworth Castle!
I just wish the pricing was the other way round (AC currently £9.29 on Steam, Forza nice but pricey).
• #20533
Best mod I've seen in ages.
• #20534
Anyone playing apex legends? Managed a couple of games last night and it seems a really fun battle royal game. Gunplay felt really good.
• #20535
I played very briefly yesterday and then remembered how much battle royale games suck at first when you're not very good and just die immediately....
• #20536
I've eventually picked up Cuphead (only bought an Xbox a few months ago) and have just started the second world. Challenging but not quite as hard as people make out, sure that will change though...
• #20537
Yeah it's a pretty steep learning curve. After a quick tutorial you're chucked in at the deep end. No easing into it. Luckily I had a game with one decent teammate so managed to stay alive for a while, even grabbed a couple kills.
• #20538
I'd probably enjoy it more if the Xbox in game chat worked
• #20539
• #20540
I play on PS4 but the game is on Pc/PS4/Xbox. Free so worth a try
• #20541
I dunno how to add friends but my Origin account is ssumo89
• #20542
Forgot to share my one in milion kill in PUBG from few weeks back.
Playing squads, aimed at the guy by a tree aiming for a headshot, pulled trigger, the exact moment a random car escaping the zone runs him over and gets a bullet in the head by complete accident.
Near the end of the video. Excuse poor, trigger happy shooting in the beginning of the video.
• #20543
Links awakening for Switch, so hyped. One of my favourite childhood games
• #20544
So anyone got God of War for PS4 going spare yet?
• #20545
Just finished Ori and the blind forest, top notch platforming. Pretty, great controls and irritatingly hard in a couple of places.
• #20546
Did you ever hear the story about the guy going to bury his GF up there?
I used to live in Harbury, so I fell asleep up there many a time. -
• #20547
This is rather flattering...
• #20548
Deserved though.
Best response I ever got for one of my tracks is this:
Seems to think Corsica is part of Portugal... at least he's having fun!
Anyone tried Dirt Rally 2?
• #20549
I would never have thought there was someone else on here making AC mods. That is some niche crossover.
Never tried any rally stages but it looks great, like the way you get glimpses of the coastline through the trees. Will check out the download.
Owner of Race Department just paypalled me a tenner for my efforts. #winning.
• #20550
I had been wanting to make one for a while but was always put off by how long learning Blender looked.
Pretty sure it was your video (in this thread) of the Yorkshire (?) road WIP that finally persuaded me to give it a go. Ever get it finished?
Glad I learnt because the whole process is very interesting but it's astoundingly time consuming. Have started and abandoned so many tracks based off WRC onboards I've seen....
Yes... I'm probably over-thinking this.
On the work front, I should be able to see Excel cells A1:BG95 without scrolling, if I set Windows scaling to 100%. Amazing.