• Took me ages to actually get around to checking the coil and plugs. Did it just now. Absolutely no corrosion as far as I can see. Popped it all back together and took it for a test drive - no issue. Mrs Sparky is vague about what the issue was, so I’ll take it for a longer drive this weekend (breakdown paperwork in hand) and see if it misbehaves. Weird, eh?

  • Powdery stuff in number one coil, just dust or corrosion? Get a torch deep down inside and check contacts In the end.
    Clean up spark plug threads and contact with a tooth brush sized brass brush. They do get a certain amount of surface corrosion over the years but have to be very bad to cause no spark /misfire issues on a regular town car.

  • Some powder, but didn’t seem like corrosion. Number one is closest to the outside world, so figured it was from a dusty road or similar. Blew it out and popped it back. I couldn’t make it stutter when driving it but I’ll take it out of town at the weekend for a proper drive.


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