I think he's not doing what he's best at. He rose to prominence because he held his own in fairly adversarial settings on TV--several people all arguing against him--, where he showed that he can be quick in thinking on his feet and sustaining a good argument against hostile opposition. I somehow wish he did more of that again (although he may well be fed up with that sort of thing and glad he doesn't have to do them any more). I don't think his columns or videos (where he has editorial control) are generally very good (with honourable exceptions). They tend to be too one-sided, often too simplistic, and not very insightful.
He rose to prominence because he held his own in fairly adversarial settings on TV--several people all arguing against him
Actually he rose to prominence as an author, then started appearing on TV. But you're right, his problem is he can't decide whether he wants to be a journalist or a pundit. He's gone the pundit route recently but I don't think it's been that successful. But it would now be very hard for him to return to journalism as he's become so totemic.
He should probably go back to writing books.
Jones is terrible!