• #8727
Was this behind the railway depot on New Bank Street? I rode past about 9.30am and there were folks stood looking at a collection of freshly smashed cars. Ironic the truck depot is also Manchester Breakdown Services & they looked to be loading up one of the cars to tow away.
• #8728
Yeah, I go down there to avoid the A6 and the workshop's at the end of the road.
• #8729
About 250 metres up the road the guys stacked it into a wall next to a truck yard, grey car also damaged, along with one of the yard guys cars. Prick has run off into the estate on the other side of the road.
Fucking hell, bullet dodged and all that
• #8730
Some dude in a Zipcar managed to crash into a parked car right outside my house last night. Fuck knows how they managed it, given they were nowhere near a corner and all they needed to do to not crash was drive in a straight line. Drove off with the whole front wing of the Zipcar hanging off. Strong work for a Sunday evening.
• #8731
I use it to avoid the Longsight 'dip' bridge. Have had a couple of nutters gun it between the speedbumps but nowt like you describe. Glad you weren't directly caught up in it.
• #8732
I do that bridge just before it.
• #8733
I avoid these days as find it sketchy both directions, bad surface & too narrow to filter easily.
• #8734
I sneak down the middle when the traffic is stopped, I come from Northmoor Road so it's a short shitty bit in a generally OK route the rest of the way, better than the A6 for sure.
• #8735
This happened to me on my commute this morning (apologies for language):
Video removed from YouTube at the request of the Police.
• #8736
I had a close pass today after being tailgated in a 20 zone and an attempted overtake through a pinch point only for the car to stop literally 20m ahead in traffic.
Gave him a gloved finger as I slow rolled past
(Swearing hand signal, not a prostate exam) -
• #8737
Bastard. That bit is a nightmare, it helps to go more into a primary position so there's no room to squeeze through like that but that driver is a cunt for doing it.
• #8738
I ride primary most of the way up Tollington Park / Endymion Road, but I guess I let my guard down there for a second. I didn't even know he was there, no warning. It's been reported on Roadsafe.
• #8739
All of that stretch is a fucking shitshow with the parked cars and the amount of traffic, it's really annoying that you can't even just "relax" for a second without some bellend taking advantage.
Hope they get a ticket from being roadsafed.
Also wasn't trying to victim blame at all, apologies if it came across that way.
• #8740
100% the only urgency that guy had to get to his destination was his desire for a kebab.
• #8741
I desire a kebab...
• #8742
All of that stretch is a fucking shitshow with the parked cars and the amount of traffic, it's really annoying that you can't even just "relax" for a second without some bellend taking advantage
Yes, they need to remove the on-street parking and build some cycle paths. I hate riding along there, but the alternative is Seven Sisters Road.
• #8743
Awful bit of road that. Even if you ride primary there is always some twat that will try it on if there's even the tiniest gap in oncoming traffic. Stupid thing is, if they can just control their impatience for 5 seconds, there is plenty of space for a safe overtake as soon you round the corner.
• #8744
Stupid thing is, if they can just control their impatience for 5 seconds, there is a queue of traffic as soon you round the corner
*probably applies to evening commutes only
If there's stuff coming in the other direction I still stick with primary after the park gates. Get occasional grief for it if there's more than a 10m gap between me and whatever's ahead, but fuck riding in the gutter at 20+mph so some cunt can drive slightly quicker for a couple of seconds.
Pisses me off that the council have speed-humped the rest of Endymion but left that bit clear.
• #8745
It's one of those stretches of road that seems a decent alternative but after riding it for a while I give up and go back to riding Seven Sisters road. It's a bit grim but at least buses don't tend to try and run you over (as much).
• #8746
damn. That is awful. I'd have said a lot more than that mate!
• #8747
damn. That is awful. I'd have said a lot more than that mate!
Definitely the closest shave I've had in over a decade of commuting in London. He turned left at the mini roundabout a bit further on, where I go straight on, so I never caught up with him to remonstrate. Probably for the best. Hopefully, the Police will do something.
• #8748
Really hate riding Endymion Road most of the time. The 'improvements' they put in around that mini-roundabout next to Alroy Road leading to Wightman Road have barely made any difference and I find drivers constantly chance it and pull out in front of you. Also that park gate in the video can be a problem as if you go up onto the dropped kerb and want to use the crossing, drivers coming out of the park don't seem to give a shit about the red light and will try to run you down as you're halfway across (in my experience on a bike and on foot, anyway).
• #8749
Just had a close call with a driver who tried to scare me into thinking he’d run me over and wouldn’t brake at the last minute. Got the number plate and I know the company that van is working for. How do I report that, please?
• #8750
Him off The Mummy:
Anyone on King St Twickenham at 11am this morning did you see the
altercation at the crossing as this car tried to drive on while 2
wheelchairs were still on the road. I’m the guy on the bike he tried
to run over. Pls get in touch. Tx
Heard a car coming up fast behind me on the way to work this morning, thought it might be the same guy who did so earlier just for me go past him when he got to traffic. I was going down a relatively quiet road that would be a rat run if it wasn't for the giant speed bumps, it's a 20 road but everyone goes about 30, including the small grey car in front of me, the car behind wasn't the guy from earlier but some other twat that gave me plenty of room but must've been going 40 and accelerating, he badly overtook the small grey car in front, swerving around them over one of the massive speed bumps. I thought to myself "what a prick, I kinda hope he crashes". About 250 metres up the road the guys stacked it into a wall next to a truck yard, grey car also damaged, along with one of the yard guys cars. Prick has run off into the estate on the other side of the road.