He still seems to get laid (EEEEEEEEEEEEGH) and no he won't lose his pension...
...I just find it baffling that some people see him as a "man of the people" with all his wealth.
"but he could have made much more as a banker" is the response I got to that, ehm, ok then. We know now he made a fortune pretending Leave would lose and then do quick trading, but ok...
Laid. Um employing his mistress as his aide as well as his 2nd wife?
He was a failed banker. https://www.ft.com/content/02cad03a-844f-11e4-bae9-00144feabdc0 but lets not get the truth confused with the utter bullshit.
Have you met him?
But what about his pension?
Or where is he going to get laid once eu is over.