I imagine the plan will be to replace it with a google version of an Echo Input https://www.amazon.co.uk/Echo-Input-Black-audio-input-Bluetooth/dp/B07CH6JKW3
It's what I was saying a few pages back about platform economics creating barriers around music accessibility. The problem is that platform businesses like Google constantly seek ever increasing user lock-in. So you need an account, to set up your Google home network, and with the next iteration use their digital assistant. Pretty soon all our children will have to be called Google in order to listen to music.
I'm quite shocked they stopped the production of the chromecast audio to be honest. I can't think of many products that do the same.
Seems a shame they are pushing their speakers with the audio thing built in.
I may pick up a couple for when I want to get around to that garage/ kitchen/ outdoor audio project.