One is company with one person's vision and the other is some other person's vision
There is definitely a distinction to be made between mocking a new user on the forum who has come here for advice and mocking a company's products. Facing harsh criticism is part and parcel of making and selling a product. It's not something you deserve when you humbly ask for advice from people more knowledgeable than you.
But I agree, thread reboot - it's been a shockingly long time since this was reposted:
Fair enough, and please don't take this the wrong way but is it not a touch hypocritical to complain about gatekeeping (which I agree with you about and to be clear my problem is the poor pastiche) but to read (and presumably take enjoyment from) a thread specifically created for the purposes of mockery?
You may say there is a difference between the Jokfil's and the kind of bike we're talking about but if we really boil it down there isn't. One is company with one person's vision and the other is some other person's vision, why is one exempt from criticism and the other not because it's more outlandish?