I do love my Gary. This one's a little older I think but says genesis on it which was around the start of making everything long/slack, won't be anywhere near as long/slack as modern bikes but could be worth thinking about if you're using it for mostly on road stuff. Maybe 90s or early 00s steel would be better suited for commuting.
Yeah I can imagine. Just quite wedded to the idea of disc brakes and a 26er and once I add 'steel' into that mix it gets specialist and the prices go up. https://www.bikepedia.com/QuickBike/BikeSpecs.aspx?item=24372 says that it came with a 100mm fork so I guess that's on the edge of easily available sus corrected forks.
what about.........https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/254021098292?ul_noapp=true this? seems a bit better of a deal right?