wait til you see how much energy you have when it comes to long run days haha. ( cc: @Mickie_Cricket )
finishing hansons will give you a huge boost though, you'll be surprised how fit you are coming out the other end ready to crush the miles. after the race you'll feel much better prepared for endure and the mileage you'll have been doing will be a good base to build off for those next couple of months.
I was planning to use a longer easy run on the schedule for a run in the 20-30mile range. I know this goes against what they say about % of weekly milage being lumped into one run bit it'll be once a month max, and will definitely fit the easy pace guidelines. Might mean I'm a bit less well prepared for the marathon but I've been aiming for Endure for 2 years so feel like I should give it a good shot, and a marathon PB should still be on the table. I'm already a lot fitter than last time I ran London.
London, lucky enough to get a spot through the club! Going to give the Hanson's method a go thanks to @HatBeard recco but need to include some longer long runs as the real A race next year is Endure 24 (solo) so aiming for at least one a month with a bit of plan jiggling.