Haha fair enough - as I calculated it with a number of spoke length calculators and assuming the spoke ends 1mm above / 'inside' the carbon rim (I can't find the exact number for the likes of Sapim Polyax nipples), I'd need 225.5mm for the front (radial) - so 226mm? - and 242.5mm for the rear (2x) - so 243mm? I'm thinking about using the Sapim HM nipple washers too, with which I assume it'd be better to round up.
And as I mentioned, I'd be looking for the black (J-bend) version.
http://www.customcutspokes.co.uk claim they have all lengths, but they are £2.95 a piece.
http://www.spokesfromryan.com also claims to have all lengths, at £2.45 a piece. But no idea how reliable any of those web shops are!
Maybe it is easier if you post the lengths you need :)