Stopped to help a guy who’d stacked on the junction just up from work. Slid / skidded on super greasy corner and wrecked his jacket, but seemed ok otherwise, plus the lovely steel Colnago looked unscathed. Spent the rest of the commute humming the ‘don’t lean’ song into all the corners (to the tune of Ms Parton’s ‘Jolene’.)
Got to remember that tune! Felt my rear wheel break out just the tiniest bit on a corner on a steep downhill - I thought I was already going much slower than normal, but apparently not enough... at least I didn't actually go for a full slide.
Stopped to help a guy who’d stacked on the junction just up from work. Slid / skidded on super greasy corner and wrecked his jacket, but seemed ok otherwise, plus the lovely steel Colnago looked unscathed. Spent the rest of the commute humming the ‘don’t lean’ song into all the corners (to the tune of Ms Parton’s ‘Jolene’.)