• #54652
for instance this only becoming an issue when Amazon is receiving the subsidy
No I don't believe this is the case, it may bring renewed focus on it and introduce it to those previously unaware though.
Amazon are a particular target because of the piss poor pay and treatment of staff in their distro operations.
I am not adverse to incentives or subsidies from the state to private firms, but it seems largely to be all give and no take.
• #54653
the natural conclusion to neo-liberal enabled climate change. what a time to be alive / dead.
• #54654
I'd use the original post as an example, the blame was all laid at Amazon's door. I don't remember a similar post when Toyota, Walmart or Foxconn (who aren't famed for their good treatment of staff) had subsidies.
I think we'll have to agree to disagree. My view is that the countries, states, etc are most culpable and the best way of avoiding these subsidies is to not offer them, not to expect them not to be taken.
• #54655
There has been plenty of Rucus about Foxconn, but I would also argue that Amazon deserve to be singled out because they explicitly out compete local shops etc creating a much poorer retail environment for everyone, in a way that a company like Toyota do not
• #54657
They're all scared of Corbyn ...
• #54659
It's certainly looking that way. Minority government, and a key peice of legislation that won't get through the commons... Vote of no confidence, leadership constest ... general election?
• #54660
Warren Buffett's plans are to have given away his fortune before he dies. He topped a 2017 list of giving since 2000 of the 10 richest people in America. Gates was second.
At that point his donations worked out to be 71% of his 65.5bn worth.
• #54661
On that list^ Bezos came in at 10 so the least charitable.
• #54662
Do you feel this is a fair and just way of redistributing wealth?
• #54663
Me? No. I believe effective taxation is better. Rather than relying on people to do the right thing. I'm more socialist than capitalist but still a bit capitalist.
• #54664
Me? No. I believe effective taxation is better. Rather than relying on people to do the right thing. I'm more socialist than capitalist but still a bit capitalist. I was just pointing out that there are others being philanthropic out there. It's not just gates
• #54665
Press conference at 5.00, is she going to jump ? what else could she have to say ?
• #54666
"strong and stable"
• #54667
May has resigned:
• #54668
Git. Nearly had me
• #54669
He he. Saucy.
• #54670
Well, there's still a chance.
• #54671
• #54672
• #54674
So Facebook is once more in the shit because it hired lobbyists to spread anti-semitic smears about its opponents. Now Zuckerberg has chosen a champion to clear up this mess: Nick Clegg.
Would link to the latest stories but at the moment it's only on U.S. news sites that haven't updated to cope with GDPR.
• #54675
Both sides tho.
Slightly related https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/8xpne3/rich-people-pay-for-private-firefighters-while-the-rest-of-us-burn
The invisible hand, ladies and gentlemen