Differences mainly in how you set shutter speed in manual mode.
OM10 - Doesn't have manual mode by default, need the manual adaptor doohickey
OM20 - Shutter speed set around the lens mount
ME Super - Shutter speed set by two buttons on the top plateOtherwise all broadly similar, aperture priority SLRs with a good range of lenses.
Minor difference with ISO -
All three cameras have a top ISO of 1600. If you want to use TMAX or Delta 3200 in aperture priority mode, you can get around this on the Olympus' by setting exp. comp. to -1. The ME Super won't let you do this.
re. my previous call for recommendations, I've narrowed it down to a Pentax ME super or an Olympus om10/20. Is there much between the 2, realistically? They both seem pretty ubiquitous and a search pulls up some nice shots from both on this thread :-)
I got on well with my k1000 before the light metre died, so leaning towards Pentax.