@CheeseWheel "Anyone had any experience with rentcharge when buying their (freehold) home?"
kind of. My ex bought a freehold house this year. Then suddenly started getting rentcharge demands. I can't remember fully what happened, it was a very small amount, not peppercorn small, but like a tenner per annum or something.
A quick google shows I looked at this link - http://www.cluttoncox.co.uk/site/blog/conveyancingblog/rentcharge_trap_cost_thousands_bristol.html
I seem to remember it being informative. And if I recall, it seems to be all above board, but they hit people with huge charges if they miss payments. And in the area my ex bought, it's very first-time buyery. ie - houses getting sold every couple of years as people move in and out and up the ladder. so it's good for getting charges on folk i guess.
Anyone had any experience with rentcharge when buying their (freehold) home?