Politics isn't so black and white. Again, just because they didn't stop all the evil doesn't mean they didn't stop some of it. It's the Perfect Solution fallacy.
A quick google gives: https://www.markpack.org.uk/129190/what-the-lib-dems-have-stopped-the-tories-doing/
If the Lib Dems had gone into coalition with Labour we'd probably be having a different discussion about how the Lib Dems 'enabled' Labour to do a whole load of different things that people disagree with (probably not as evil as the Tories but that's besides the point, the Tories got in in 2015 and went to town anyway).
Or if no coalition had been formed at all and we'd had a series of GEs because of hung parliaments until, say, the Tories got an overall majority (or got into bed with the DUP even earlier) then some might be complaining about why the Lib Dems didn't take the first chance to go into coalition with them and stem the tide from within.
But such what-iffery is pretty much pointless.
what exactly did clegg and the lib dems stop the tories from doing? we still got bedroom tax, ian duncan smith, student fees, "go home" vans, fucking brexit.
the lib dems didn't temper the tories, they enabled them. shopped his own principles for a ministerial car and whiff of power. fuck that guy.