Have cloud up2.
Did west highland way and a 2 week bike tour with it and have done probably a month's worth of other smaller trips too. I got it for £50 back when the pound wasn't shite and it's been a great buy.
Not the lightest but it's lasted really well. I'm 6"2 and wouldn't want to be any taller. It's a very comfortable one man but easily doable as a 2 man if you don't have shed loads of gear.
Just spotted these on sale https://www.gearbest.com/camping/pp_184914.html?wid=1433363¤cy=GBP&vip=4452579&gclid=CjwKCAjwio3dBRAqEiwAHWsNVSh85xKWPYbxYXFsAb7PLlJ_2yY8DkzBr2vLjjmRS_5ZmJIAj6rlXxoCkgYQAvD_BwE
Worth a punt? Was going to go for an OEX Phoxx 1 but this has way more headroom.
Anyone had a chance to use Nature Hike tents or any of their gear? It seems like a good knock off from quality products.