So instead of building a shed we've decided to turn our car port into a garage... It means we can get some power in there, I can get a workshop happening, more room for storage, etc... Just need to find someone who'll do the conversion and skim the concrete slab so we can paint it... Then we'll get the stumps on the house done... Does it ever end?!?
Got a new fusebox and loads of new power points put in a couple of weeks back, very reasonably priced and we're now all ready for solar... Probably a couple of years off but good to know we're good to go when the time comes...
we're now all ready for solar... Probably a couple of years off but good to know we're good to go when the time comes...
I've just started looking into solar. Looks like you'll need to do it before April to make more significant savings, as government solar panel payments are ending soon.
So instead of building a shed we've decided to turn our car port into a garage... It means we can get some power in there, I can get a workshop happening, more room for storage, etc... Just need to find someone who'll do the conversion and skim the concrete slab so we can paint it... Then we'll get the stumps on the house done... Does it ever end?!?
Got a new fusebox and loads of new power points put in a couple of weeks back, very reasonably priced and we're now all ready for solar... Probably a couple of years off but good to know we're good to go when the time comes...
Then the new veranda!!!