spoke to a guy offering some Cole Rollen Lite for £70 with a set of Clement tyres (I need tyres)
Buy these and stop looking at dumb 90s wheels.
What do I do?
Compare anything you're offered with shiny new Aksiums. If whatever you're looking at isn't better than that, it needs to be cheaper. I'm happy to entertain arguments (cup & cone, J-bend) for Shimano RS010, which is under £100 at any competitive retailer, but on balance I marginally prefer the Aksium.
So to be clear this is what I'm after:
options I've got:
What do I do?
I have £0 income - I'm paying for this through the sale of another bike - don't tell me to buy Hunt wheels unless you want to sell me yours for £150.
Someone help or I'm going to end up committing a great crime: aero frame and cheap shallow rims