I love your 330...
Looks like I'm closing in on buying the stolen guitar, Kim has had fuck all luck with the Old Bill and gave me his final blessing to nab it tonight... He's gonna give the cops one last try tomorrow... No case so I've made the guy knock another $100 off, and it's in Sydney which is gonna make getting it to me up here a bit interesting... Neck off, loads of bubble wrap and into a box I reckon...
IMO a 330 is probably one of the coolest guitars to have with a micro-Haino in the house as a) P90s > humbuckers and b) they sound really nice acoustically and c) the 16th fret neck join makes them much much comfier than a 335 for sofa use. For gainy stuff you can lessen hairiness slightly by bodging a removable soundpost below the bridge (I did), but having it run away with you is part of the fun, really. I remember using mine with a ludicrous D*A*M Mk2 and it provided some of the best giggles ever. Buy buy buy.