• #53502
Belatedly catching up oh this thread, and want to echo the rest of the support for making an actual change in your (local?) community, it sounds like a great thing that you run and would be awful if it failed due to institutional intransigence. I think the idea of donations to support the extra services (chef, decent food, cutlery etc) seems like a good one, although don't want to tell you how to do something you clearly know a lot more about. Would happily donate to support that
• #53503
Ah, the gorgeous Home Office.
• #53505
This is utter nonsense. Germany won't be getting nuclear weapons. Fortunately, getting out of nuclear power is going to help with that.
• #53506
Strategically, with the Trump-led USA abstaining as much of a deterrent on the Russian front, and the UK's Trident being dependent on the USA's provision of missiles to put in it, I wouldn't think it's the most far fetched thing in world news that Germany might feel a tad exposed to their near Russian neighbour's massive military and want their own doomsday cock waving arsenal...
• #53507
Sure, but they won't get nuclear weapons.
• #53508
Y tho?
• #53509
Because it's a huge cost, because you need a nuclear industry for it, and Germany are presently dismantling theirs, because the Nazis tried to develop nuclear weapons during the war, and because the German public are strongly opposed to it. None of that is going to change any time soon, no matter how many minor Conservative commentators try to raise the spectre.
• #53510
I'm sure they could filch a little uranium from the French, they've got boatloads of the stuff... and didn't the Nazi scientists all move to the USA or Russia to help them with theirs anyway?
Looking at Trump's baleful orange countenance makes me wish I had a small nuke in my garage anyway. You know, just to deter home invaders. -
• #53511
Not much material is needed for nuclear weapons. It could be bought.
Proliferation is bad, absolutely bad. I hope they don't go this route.
• #53512
Would a western power sell another weapons grade material?
‘Delivery’ systems maybe but material?
Genuine question which I suppose I could duckduckgo
• #53513
We don't make any of our ownTrident missile warheads - they come from the US.
If I was Merkel I'd call Macron, whilst "Nuclear weapons are hard to share", I imagine he'd be fine with selling or leasing Germany a stock of warheads to put on their own missiles.
• #53514
It’s the arms race, stupid. As long as there are fears of someone else developing an arsenal you can justify ever-increasing defence spending of your own.
• #53515
Not sure where to put this. Badly maintained/overlooked bike and a very unlucky kid.
• #53516
Jesus. I had that happen to me when I was about that age. Hit my stomach though rather than my chest.
Edit: just read it hit him in the same place. Horrifying.
• #53517
That’s really, really distressing. Poor kid, poor family and friends.
• #53519
This is why all my flat-bar bikes and any bikes I've built for others have had lockon grips, usually ODI's with the hard plastic cap which clips into the outer clamp.
I have had an open bar to the abdomen before, an inch below the belt line and three inches left. During my first ever bike polo session, I ran over the ball and jackknifed. Things which limited my bar-injury to mere superficial skin damage and bruising: the lockon grip's outer clamp which didn't move, and getting both hands onto the floor to stop the bar being the only thing stopping my fall. I got my breath back, drank two beers, then played the rest of the evening. My left shoulder was sore for 3 weeks, which made pushing the gear stick in my car to the left quite uncomfortable. Probably stretched a ligament.
• #53520
So trying to run over police and pedestrians counts as attempted murder - though aiming for cyclists doesn’t count as probably smidsy
1 Attachment
• #53521
Has anyone else seen anything on this?
• #53522
I think we're fucked lads.
• #53523
Holy shit - thats pretty full on and I'd not seen it reported at all!
• #53524
ignore me.
• #53525
I'm sure it'll be down graded to careless driving by the time it get to court.
Time for that overdue pint and a chat about funders?