They do need to update stuff to keep it secure and support whatever apps and the web are demanding. But yeah annoying. That said I can still run Euro Sport Player on our Mark 2 iPad.
I see Apple - probably wrongly - as the most benign of the behemoths. They charge a fair whack but they don't snoop on your stuff. I think. Hmmmm.
Apple is primarily a hardware company and doesn't have the scope to be as malign as Google. Their attempt at cloud applications/services has been woeful; they'd probably like to be as evil as Google but don't yet have the chops.
There's a significant number of people who hate iTunes.
My 2013 MBP is still smashing it.
They do need to update stuff to keep it secure and support whatever apps and the web are demanding. But yeah annoying. That said I can still run Euro Sport Player on our Mark 2 iPad.
I see Apple - probably wrongly - as the most benign of the behemoths. They charge a fair whack but they don't snoop on your stuff. I think. Hmmmm.