• It has been quite acidic, though.

    Yeah. This forum has always been a bit spicy that regard. An anonymous poster would need to have hit a home run to get a positive response in one of the more political threads.

    It's like conversation between acquaintances at a bar, and some stranger who turns out not be a stranger but someone you apparently know wearing a mask, leans in and whispers 'remoaners'. I'm not sure I'd have the patience to give that person the time of day.

  • An anonymous poster would need to have hit a home run to get a positive response in one of the more political threads.

    The pub mates analogy works well here too.

    As a stranger, you don't turn up to a pub, plonk yourself at a table full of people that are friends(ish) with each other, and proceed to mouth off.

    And then whine that they're not civil....


    I literally read the first paragraph of your post without even looking at the second.

    I'm like the annoying pissed bloke that just repeats the same thing you just said, passing it off as my own wisdom.

    Make my next one a double, eh.
